Sunday, March 9, 2008

Hillary CLinton's views

Well in California the State Supreme Court which is liberal has decided that 'homeschooling' is illegal. Why because they want parents to take their kids to public schools for the money. Or maybe it is the fact that homeschoolers do better than the average students in public schools. This has been proven. You see the NEA has egg on their face why? They have one of the biggest budgets available and yet some of the poorest results. Source and and and anyway. Private schools do better than pubic schools, and Hillary has announced a 'pro gay' curriculum in the public school system. Check the sources. There it is no more math and reading, now it is 'indoctrination' of our kids in the public school system. That is all for today. by. Email me at

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Hillary Clinton Leaving?

Will Hillary Clinton leave the presidential race? I don't know. However, officially Barack OBama has an increase in delegatal lead if that is a word. Still to close to call. Keep praying this year for a breakthrough and for God to put someone relatively Godly into the White house. Mccain to me is a disappointment for the White House. Why you ask? He supports a few ideas that democrats support like 'embryonic stem cell research' which is another form of life. Hillary and Barack endorse this form of research which is why I won't vote for them. However, to hear a republican lke John Mccain support it is a surprise. He better change his views on alot of things if he thinks he will get elected. Anyway email me and tell me what you think. and and and my source.