Sunday, February 24, 2008
Hillary Clintons views 2-24
Hello all. I found out that Hillary may be dropping from the race. Could it be that America is not ready for a female president. Let's see what we would if a female president like Hillary Clinton were elected. We would get higher taxes to pay for the abortions. She would probaly sign legislation into law practically protecting 'abortionists' and she would be for 'gay marriage' because it does not affect her. What else? More to come. Happy Sunday. and and and
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Hillary Clintons Views
I have already told you that Hillary Clinton endorses 'gay marriage'. So do you think she will appoint Judicial nominees who are opposed to 'gay marriage' or for it. Naturally, are you for or against 'gay marriage'. If you are opposed to it. Why would you vote for someone who is not opposed to it. By the way, the way the politicians do everything now is through the courts. Literally. So it takes the heat off of them. Well remember something 40% of americans on average are for 'gay marriage', that means 60 percent are not. Vote your values this November. By the way what if a 'Christian church' refuses to marry a gay couple if it is approved. Will they be sued or their tax exemption status be challenged as a result of this. For the gays it is a good money well for them to sue a 'Christian Church' on. Sue the church and receive 50000-100000 dollars for some minor paperwork. You say 'no way' well it has already happened in New Jersey, a church would not bury a gay guy and they lost some of their property over it. Source email them for the story. Why didn' t the mainstream media tell you about this stuff. It seems they are silent against it. email me at and and by
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Hillary Clintons views
You know what scares me the most when it comes to Hillary Clinton? It is her tax policy. She has been very quiet about middle class tax increases. Her claim is that she will lower taxes on the middle class. Is that true? She is a democrat. They say whatever to get into office and then everything changes. The democratic party has said if they are elected in 2009 that they will abandon the 'pay as you go philososphy'. That means they are going to raise taxes. You see the democrats have to raise taxes for the millions of people dependent on the government system. The democrats want control of social security. That is why they opposed 'privatizing it'. Let me ask you this. If a wealthy person has tax shelters and uses them how will the government pay for all of the programs like medicare and medicaid and AFDC. Well they have to raise taxes on someone. Who will that be you the middle class starting with the 'Marriage penalty tax' remember this. This is what the democratically controlled Senate in the 90's pushed forward, and gave to President then Bill Clinton. They will say anything to get into office and then all of a sudden guess what happens. The taxes go up. And they will the choice is yours. Make the right one people. "Taxes will go up" if a democrat like Hillary is elected to office. The choice is yours. Ask yourself this can you trust Hillary or Barack when it comes to what they say? Barack has very little experience in office remember that. and and and source
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Hillary Clintons views 2-19
Hello all. A new bill to speak to you about federal Senate bill 2433. This bill will cost you the taxpayer 845 billion dollars. Say goodbye to those tax rebates. This would cause an elimination of 'light handguns' and other guns as well. One step closer to the one world order. Anyway, where is this 845 billion dollars going to come from. Where? You guys. Ask your federal senator to oppose this measure unless you want to foot the 845 billion dollar bill for this go right ahead. and and and by
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Hillary Clintons views on 2-16
Hello all. Hillary Clinton is a typical democrat. In taxes and other issues. She is not for anything related to pro-life causes, as I just showed you in my previous comments. She is for embryonic stem cell research which has been proven that it is not needed. But because people want her to promote this and approve it, she will. She opposes a 'federal parental notifaction law' which says that parents need to be notified if their children are going to be taken out of school for an abortion. She opposes this. Who pays taxes you do, and basically this means for you parents your chilldren can be taken out of school, and they tell you to pay your taxes and shut up. "Just pay your taxes" and let us do the rest the government tells us. Well isn't it about time that parents took back their government. Anyway by for now. and and and by
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Hillary Clinton's views on money 2-14
Happy Valentines day everyone. Hillary Clinton wants to raise your taxes. Let me expain. Hear me out. I am continuing my campaign on what Hillary Clinton believes on money. I told you yesterday about the Rangel plan. Which has alot of things in it Hillary Clinton said she liked. The Rangel plan consists of also anyone who makes 500,000 dollars a year or more will pay 45% of their income to Uncle Sam. Little tax raises for those who make less than 500,000 dollars a year. Let me explain something else. You say "so what I don't make that" , however, your boss may not give you a raise if he or she pays more in taxes like this. Right now the highest income on the federal level that a person will pay is 35%. You say Good. However, let me explain something else, your boss could ship your jobs overseas if they see higher taxes. Also something else, what if those people who were making 500,000 dollars or more decide to put their money into tax deferred programs guess what . You will pay the bill. The middle class. You see I keep saying this I live in California. And when they do not have enough money for a project what to they do, they don't terminate the project, they raise taxes for it. Same with the federal level. If Hillary is elected taxes will go up on you the middle class quote me on that. Because remember when the wealthy use tax shelters and no politican will get rid of their own tax shelters because it benefits them, you the middle class taxpayer will pay the bill. That is all for today. and and and
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Hillary Clinton 2-13
Hello all. Well I told you all yesterday about the Rangel Plan which Hillary Clinton says she supports. The raising of Capital gains taxes to 25%. The departure of the AMT tax. Also the raising of taxes with regards to marriage. The Marriage penalty tax which if you are married will cost you 1500 or more dollars a year. Now you say "well I am not married" do you know anyone who is married do them a favor vote differently for them. Maybe your parents or your siblings. Also, Rangel has discussed in his plan a taking away of the home interest mortgage deduction. It is in the bill. Google it. That means if you buy a home this will not be tax deductible anymore. Now you are saying "what does this have to with Hillary Clinton" . Hillary has said "I am a big fan of the Rangel Plan". Is this what you want in office, a president who is in favor of higher taxes. Also I live in California which I call the "Cesspool of Heavy taxation", here is how government works if the rich protect more of their assets legally of course. Who is going to pay the bills for all of the programs created. You the middle class will. President Bush got rid of the Marriage penalty tax. He did not take away the home interest mortgage deduction like Rangel and Hillary Clinton want to do. The Capital gains taxes are at 15% which helps the economy because people are free to invest more in the stock market. Don't really care about the AMT tax too much. However, do you see the point. Tomorrow more on this. By. nad and and
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Hillary Clinton 2-12
Hillary Clinton has said she is a big fan of the Rangel plan. In case you don't know what that is check this out. For all of you stock investors. Charles Rangel who sits in a very comfortable democratic position in New York. Harlem I believe he has said "I want to raise capital gains taxes" to 25%. Right now it is 15%. The choice is yours. Want 15% taxes on your capital gains or 25%. Hillary is being very silent on the tax issues in these days. She has said "I am a big fan of the Rangel plan" that means you stockholders will pay more in taxes. She is also wealthy so she can afford to pay a little bit more in taxes can you? Also Rangel wants to eliminte the AMT tax. Which does not matter either way to me. Rangel has also said he wants to eliminate the 'Household mortgage payment interest tax credit'. This was killed by President Bush though. So if you are thinking of buying a house, you might have to pay out a little bit in taxes. This is what I am scared of. The democrats say they want to help middle class americans however, their voting record does not indicate that. The democrats voted in the 'Marriage penalty tax' which cost middle class americans 1500 dollars just for the right and privilege of being married. Bill Clinton was notorious for his tax hikes. Will Hillary do the same? Probaly. Hillary has said she is big fan of the Rangel Plan. The question is are you? More about this tomorrow. and and and and by
Monday, February 11, 2008
Hillary Clintons views here is the deal
Hillary is a pro-choice woman who supports abortion in every practice along the way. If you are christian why will you vote for someone like her. Listen to me if you vote for her taxes will go up because programs cost money. And she is for excessive government spending, you know it better as 'Pork barrel spending'. She will eliminate the 'pay as you go' philosophy. She has said that in open reports. The only reason the democrats will support it now is because Bush is in office. She is for the murder of the baby and you as a christian will vote for that. I feel sorry for this country. If this is the spiritual state of the nation. One thing awaits Judgment. When it happens don't cry about it. Anyway, that is all. an and and
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Hillary Clintons views on 2-10
Hillary Clinton does not support according to the President Bush's decision to not renew the federal ban on assult weapons. Here is the question? What does she support. First the government says 'you can not have these kinds of weapons' then 'these kinds' pretty soon we will not have any weapons to fight with. You see I live in California and crime is high here. Why because they don't prosecute the criminals and if you shoot someone they had better be armed or else you are going to jail. Here is irony a state that has loose gun laws Texas. And guess what they don't have a high crime rate like California or New York. Check the facts. So where is the argument -- 'Well we need less guns on the street'. It does not exist just look at Texas. And they are civilized yet Hillary supports the ban on assualt weapons. Well email me and and and
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Hillary Clinton's views on 2-9
Hello all. What does Hillary Clinton think of the repeal of the federal estate tax. Naturally she opposes it. The current tax is after 1 million dollars 55%. President Bush if he had his way would have repealed it. However, Hillary Clinton does not support the repeal of it. Yet in her campaign she promotes lower taxes. When asked if she supported a federal Constuitional amendment supporting a marriage only between a man and a woman, she said she opposed it. Her voting record in 2004 reflects that. Source- This tax also if not repealed could be lowered to fit people in lower tax brackets when it comes to your property and assets. When asked Hillary's Clinton campaign said "she opposes it". Also as of this point from her campaign. Hillary Clinton's campaign has not answered my question. Which is "Will she raise the Marriage penalty tax?" I have not received word and it has been 4 months since I called. The answer is probaly yes. You see that is what Bill Clinton did and that is what Hillary Clinton will do. If you never receive an answer from a politician then chances are they are sticking to party lines on that issue. Straight forward. The Marriage penalty tax is a tax on anyone who is married. Bill Clinton signed it into law in 1994. It was repealed by President Bush in 2002. The tax under Bill Clinton was 1500 dollars a year. I don't know how much Hillary will charge for it. Hillary has millions of dollars do you? If you don't this tax will affect you. Well by. and and and and
Friday, February 8, 2008
Hillary Clintons views on illegal immigration 2-8
Hillary when asked by has said that she does not support strong border security rules. That means she is a proponet of the illegal aliens coming over here. Let me explain. If there is no border security, illegal aliens can just hop over a fence and come over here. Also many of you did not know this but Bill Clinton during his terms was soft towards illegal immigration. He gave the Los Angeles county Jails money which was prohibited by federal law to house illegal aliens. So in other words instead of being deported they were rewarded with a jail sentence here in the United States. Here is the solution, Grant amnesty, close the borders, and enforce the laws. Let me explain all 3 of these. Grant amnesty to 12 million people. Why not? We can not deport that many of them. 2-close the borders- means no more people will be allowed over here. 3- enforce the laws, this means if you are illegal over here and caught, you will be deported. In Europe and Canada they have control over there illegal alien probelms. Here in the United States. Hillary is not a fan of this at all. She is for loose border security, and of course rewarding them financially for being here. Also, illegal aliens in the State of California cost it 3 billion dollars a year. That is money that could be going for other things here in California. Like financial aid for the community colleges. Remember if you are for illegal immigration reform, and decency. Hillary Clinto is not. and and and
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Hillary clinton views 2-7
Hello all. Hillary Clinton has received millions of dollars from 'Planned Parenthood' which means how do you think she will handle abortion. The same way her husband did and that is support it 100% with taxpayers dollars. You see Planned Parenthood does not care for your kids, they want money. They already receive 0 dollars from the federal government because of President Bush. However, if a democrat wins more babies will die, and on your taxpaying dollar. They will receive 300 million dollars just like Bill Clinton approved annually. My question is why are we the taxpayers paying for this. Why don't the private non-profits do anything about this only. Because it is all about money. Well anyway more tomorrow. and and and and
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Hillary Clintons views 2-6
Now Hillary Clinton opposes President Bush's ban on embryonic stem cell research which has other alternatives to it without harming the embryo. She would appoint judicial nominees who would put laws on the books based on their personal beliefs. In other words however a judge feels that day would determine the law for that day. She also supports Medicaid funded abortions. This is what she also opposes. Hillary Clinton opposes a federal parental notifaction law. Which would require the schools to tell when they take your child out for an abortion. Check this out in our public school system. You can not give your children an aspirin without parental consent, but they can take your child out of school to get an abortion. This is fact. and finally for today. Would not approve funding for abstinence until marriage education at all. By the way this has proven to have phenomenal results. It saves lives. Sex outside of marriage causes three things, 1- abortions which tramatizes the women for the rest of her life, 2-diseases-sexually transmitted diseases which 4% of our society has already. Look it up at the center for disease control and finally 3-unwanted pregnancies at an early age which most girls are not ready for. So there it is and Hillary Clinton wants you to die from a sexually transmitted disease. Why would she approve of such things because guess who gives to her campaign. Planned Parenthood has given her campaign millions of dollars. More tomorrow. and and and by
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Hillary Clinton's views 2-5
The goal of this blog is educate you on what Hillary believes on some issues, and on what the republicans believe. Please read with optimism. I will be fair. I will tell you today on what Hillary believes on stem cell research. Oh also I will quote source for you to reference. According to the Hillary believes that Therapeutic cloning is ok. She believes also in embryonic destructive research is ok to be funded by the federal government. However in this area only they have another solution that does not harm the embryo. However, Hillary is still for the destruction and federal funding of it. (the embryo). She also believes in the Umbillical cord blood banks. I disagree with federal funding for anything that wastes taxpayers money. By the way why is that taxpayer money is paying for this? Why aren't Billonaires like Gates and Buffett footing the bill for this. Because it does not work. And no one except the morons in Washington D.C. believe that the federal government should foot the bill for this. Even though the research is flawed at best. She was silent on Adult stem cell research which is ok. Because that is not harmful at all and has proven to be productive. There are reasons why President Bush vetoed Stem cell research. It it a total waste of taxpayers money. However, Hillary says "I will raise taxes" to pay for it. Well by. and and and and by
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