Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Hillary Clintons views 2-6

Now Hillary Clinton opposes President Bush's ban on embryonic stem cell research which has other alternatives to it without harming the embryo. She would appoint judicial nominees who would put laws on the books based on their personal beliefs. In other words however a judge feels that day would determine the law for that day. She also supports Medicaid funded abortions. This is what she also opposes. Hillary Clinton opposes a federal parental notifaction law. Which would require the schools to tell when they take your child out for an abortion. Check this out in our public school system. You can not give your children an aspirin without parental consent, but they can take your child out of school to get an abortion. This is fact. and finally for today. Would not approve funding for abstinence until marriage education at all. By the way this has proven to have phenomenal results. It saves lives. Sex outside of marriage causes three things, 1- abortions which tramatizes the women for the rest of her life, 2-diseases-sexually transmitted diseases which 4% of our society has already. Look it up at the center for disease control and finally 3-unwanted pregnancies at an early age which most girls are not ready for. So there it is and Hillary Clinton wants you to die from a sexually transmitted disease. Why would she approve of such things because guess who gives to her campaign. Planned Parenthood has given her campaign millions of dollars. More tomorrow. and and and by

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