Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Hillary Clintons views

You know what scares me the most when it comes to Hillary Clinton? It is her tax policy. She has been very quiet about middle class tax increases. Her claim is that she will lower taxes on the middle class. Is that true? She is a democrat. They say whatever to get into office and then everything changes. The democratic party has said if they are elected in 2009 that they will abandon the 'pay as you go philososphy'. That means they are going to raise taxes. You see the democrats have to raise taxes for the millions of people dependent on the government system. The democrats want control of social security. That is why they opposed 'privatizing it'. Let me ask you this. If a wealthy person has tax shelters and uses them how will the government pay for all of the programs like medicare and medicaid and AFDC. Well they have to raise taxes on someone. Who will that be you the middle class starting with the 'Marriage penalty tax' remember this. This is what the democratically controlled Senate in the 90's pushed forward, and gave to President then Bill Clinton. They will say anything to get into office and then all of a sudden guess what happens. The taxes go up. And they will the choice is yours. Make the right one people. "Taxes will go up" if a democrat like Hillary is elected to office. The choice is yours. Ask yourself this can you trust Hillary or Barack when it comes to what they say? Barack has very little experience in office remember that. and and and source

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