Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Hillary Clinton's views 2-5

The goal of this blog is educate you on what Hillary believes on some issues, and on what the republicans believe. Please read with optimism. I will be fair. I will tell you today on what Hillary believes on stem cell research. Oh also I will quote source for you to reference. According to the www.frc.org Hillary believes that Therapeutic cloning is ok. She believes also in embryonic destructive research is ok to be funded by the federal government. However in this area only they have another solution that does not harm the embryo. However, Hillary is still for the destruction and federal funding of it. (the embryo). She also believes in the Umbillical cord blood banks. I disagree with federal funding for anything that wastes taxpayers money. By the way why is that taxpayer money is paying for this? Why aren't Billonaires like Gates and Buffett footing the bill for this. Because it does not work. And no one except the morons in Washington D.C. believe that the federal government should foot the bill for this. Even though the research is flawed at best. She was silent on Adult stem cell research which is ok. Because that is not harmful at all and has proven to be productive. There are reasons why President Bush vetoed Stem cell research. It it a total waste of taxpayers money. However, Hillary says "I will raise taxes" to pay for it. Well by. www.LATravelYTB.com and www.frc.org and www.citizenlink.org and www.americancongressfortruth.com and www.microsoft.com by

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