Thursday, February 14, 2008

Hillary Clinton's views on money 2-14

Happy Valentines day everyone. Hillary Clinton wants to raise your taxes. Let me expain. Hear me out. I am continuing my campaign on what Hillary Clinton believes on money. I told you yesterday about the Rangel plan. Which has alot of things in it Hillary Clinton said she liked. The Rangel plan consists of also anyone who makes 500,000 dollars a year or more will pay 45% of their income to Uncle Sam. Little tax raises for those who make less than 500,000 dollars a year. Let me explain something else. You say "so what I don't make that" , however, your boss may not give you a raise if he or she pays more in taxes like this. Right now the highest income on the federal level that a person will pay is 35%. You say Good. However, let me explain something else, your boss could ship your jobs overseas if they see higher taxes. Also something else, what if those people who were making 500,000 dollars or more decide to put their money into tax deferred programs guess what . You will pay the bill. The middle class. You see I keep saying this I live in California. And when they do not have enough money for a project what to they do, they don't terminate the project, they raise taxes for it. Same with the federal level. If Hillary is elected taxes will go up on you the middle class quote me on that. Because remember when the wealthy use tax shelters and no politican will get rid of their own tax shelters because it benefits them, you the middle class taxpayer will pay the bill. That is all for today. and and and

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