Saturday, February 16, 2008

Hillary Clintons views on 2-16

Hello all. Hillary Clinton is a typical democrat. In taxes and other issues. She is not for anything related to pro-life causes, as I just showed you in my previous comments. She is for embryonic stem cell research which has been proven that it is not needed. But because people want her to promote this and approve it, she will. She opposes a 'federal parental notifaction law' which says that parents need to be notified if their children are going to be taken out of school for an abortion. She opposes this. Who pays taxes you do, and basically this means for you parents your chilldren can be taken out of school, and they tell you to pay your taxes and shut up. "Just pay your taxes" and let us do the rest the government tells us. Well isn't it about time that parents took back their government. Anyway by for now. and and and by

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