Friday, February 8, 2008

Hillary Clintons views on illegal immigration 2-8

Hillary when asked by has said that she does not support strong border security rules. That means she is a proponet of the illegal aliens coming over here. Let me explain. If there is no border security, illegal aliens can just hop over a fence and come over here. Also many of you did not know this but Bill Clinton during his terms was soft towards illegal immigration. He gave the Los Angeles county Jails money which was prohibited by federal law to house illegal aliens. So in other words instead of being deported they were rewarded with a jail sentence here in the United States. Here is the solution, Grant amnesty, close the borders, and enforce the laws. Let me explain all 3 of these. Grant amnesty to 12 million people. Why not? We can not deport that many of them. 2-close the borders- means no more people will be allowed over here. 3- enforce the laws, this means if you are illegal over here and caught, you will be deported. In Europe and Canada they have control over there illegal alien probelms. Here in the United States. Hillary is not a fan of this at all. She is for loose border security, and of course rewarding them financially for being here. Also, illegal aliens in the State of California cost it 3 billion dollars a year. That is money that could be going for other things here in California. Like financial aid for the community colleges. Remember if you are for illegal immigration reform, and decency. Hillary Clinto is not. and and and

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